History of Albany Township, Maine
(most items will be in PDF format)
1881 Map of Albany Township - donated by the Fontaine Family
Lillian "Dot" Brown's Albany, Maine Notes - donated by Margaret Dutil (Lillian's Granddaughter)
Starting at the Albany-Stoneham town line. The first home in Albany north of "Toad Hill" was once the home of Charles Buck and wife Ada who had a son Fred and a daughter Fannie who married...... (Click here to continue reading)
A History of Sawin Hill Road in Waterford and Albany, Maine - Donated by Author Edward A. Holt, Harpswell, Maine 2007
In 2004 someone from the Waterford Historical Society asked me if I would make a presentation to the Society on the history of Sawin Hill Road. Although I knew a good deal about my relatives the Sawins, I knew next to nothing about any other families of the road....... (Click here to continue reading)
Life on Sawin Hill Road (As reflected in the diaries of Elmer C. Henley 1876-1953) Summarized by Author Edward A. Holt, Harpswell, Maine 2007
These insights into life on Sawin Hill Road from the late nineteenth century to the 1930s are derived from a weekly diary kept by resident Elmer C. Henley...... (Click here to continue reading)
History of Albany, Maine from a Gazetteer of the State of Maine by Geo. J. Varney.
Albany is situated in the western part of Oxford County south of the Androscoggin river. Greenwood bounds it on the northeast, Mason and Stoneham on the south-west, Mason and Bethel on the north-west, and Waterford and Norway on the south-east. (Click here to continue reading)
Hunts Corner Cemetery - Click here to view document - donated by Margaret Dutil.
Albany Township Marriages - Click here to view document - donated by Margaret Dutil.
Albany Township Births- Click here to view document - donated by Margaret Dutil.
Photo of Dresser School - early 1900's - click here to view - donated by Margaret Dutil
History of Albany - excerpt from "The Town Register, Waterford, Albany, Greenwood, E. Stoneham - 1906 compiled by Mitchell and Davis.
Page 30 - History of Albany. Oxford Proprietary. The Earliest date we find relating to the history of Albany is Dec. 29, 1788 which date is borne by instrument drawn up at Andover, Mass., and signed by twenty-four men each binding himself to the purchase of a tract of land lying between Sudbury, Canada and Waterford. (Click here to continue reading)
To view entire Town Register, click here.
History of Albany Congretional Church - outline of the churches history - click here to view